Efficiently organize emails into Google Docs™ for easy tracking, ideal for educators and businesses managing student/client interactions.
Adatlap frissítve:2024. május 12.
A következőkkel működik:
360 E+
User Guide:

Effortlessly organize email communications into structured Google Docs™ for streamlined information sharing and accessibility.

Example 1: Teacher Logs
In education accountability is a very important process by which teachers and administrators give a regularly updated account of student progress.  One of the most common ways is through email communication with parents and guardians. 

The problem is when it comes time to share this information, for example at a parent / teacher conference, searching through emails can be a frustrating task.  Reports for Gmail™ helps to solve this problem -- by organizing email threads into neatly organized Google Docs™. 

Example 2: Customer Interaction Logs
In business, maintaining clear records of customer interactions is crucial for effective communication and accountability. However, sifting through numerous emails to compile these logs can be time-consuming and inefficient.

Reports for Gmail™ offers a solution by automatically organizing email threads into well-structured Google Docs™. This streamlines the process of creating and sharing customer interaction logs, ensuring that important information is easily accessible and organized for business meetings or audits.

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Gmail™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
Google Docs™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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Ezzel engedélyezi a(z) Reports for Gmail™ számára a következőt:
A dokumentumok megtekintése, szerkesztése, létrehozása vagy törlése a Google Dokumentumok szolgáltatásban
Az Ön összes Google Drive-fájljának megtekintése, szerkesztése, létrehozása és törlése
Megtekintheti az e-maileket, amikor a bővítmény fut
Futtatás Gmail-bővítményként
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Az Ön elsődleges Google-fiókjához tartozó e-mail-cím megtekintése
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