This Google Doc add-on generates a resume tailored to a particular job when you it provided a Google Doc resume template, a job description, and your experiences listed in a Google Sheet.
Oppføring oppdatert:21. mai 2024
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How To Use It:
Install the Google Docs addon.

Create a Google Sheet containing your experiences which I like to call this an "ExperienceDB". Then you can create a tabs: "Education", "Work", "Contact", etc. For each tab, create a table as follows

Example: Education tab may contain headings
School | Location | Degree
and rows
Football Prestige University | West Coast | B.S. Computer Science
Small Community College | East Coast | B.A. Communications

Open up a Google Doc and format it as resume template.
The first time you write {Education.School} it will likely auto fill with "Football Prestige University" and the second time you put {Education.School} it will like auto fill with "Small Community College".

There is a textbox called Job Description. Depending on which job description you enter, the order of auto fill can vary.

The idea here is if your job description is heavy on the words "Community" then "Small Community College should show up the first time you have {Education.School} because it is a better match keyword wise.

There are other settings you can control like regex to grab certain skills to dump into your resume.

Happy Automating!

P.S. I used to use drive.readonly restricted scope which allowed the script to select any Google Sheet as ExperienceDB. For privacy's sake, I swapped it out with drive.file scope changed so selecting a Google Sheet from Google Drive no longer works. The best bet now is to edit the "Sample Resume Experiences" Google Sheets that gets generated. :)
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