Cut the cost, time, and frustration of manual paper-based processes by our FREE, simple, power, and secure workflow system.
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Genel Bakış
Rethink Workflow is an advanced cloud-based system that helps to create your forms and define your processes quickly, easily and is readily accessible anytime, anywhere and from any device.

Version 4.0 was released. Check the updates here:

We are going to release v4.0 on Dec 27th, 2016. More details at:

* Big changes are coming to Rethink Workflow with more free, cool, and powerful features. Please stay tuned. 

* Released master workflow feature which allows the company administrator to build more complex workflows. For example, the "Employee Onboarding" workflow includes "Check Distribution" and "Employment Verification" workflow.
* Added many bug fixes and improvements to the application. 

* Added delegated admin feature:
* Added reminder feature which allows admin to set up a workflow to send email reminders to a dynamic list of people at a given point of time. 
* Added dynamic user routing feature which allows admin to use a field in a form in the routing process. For example, an employee can submit a vacation request to his manager by selecting the manager's name from the a user picker field. 
* Added in-app chat feature to allow the user to communicate quickly with the support team. 
* Bug fixes and performance improvements
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