Protect against Phishing emails and Fraud
호환 기기:
Stop phishing with Retruster. Be alerted to phishing emails with the best anti phishing tool.
Retruster helps stop phishing and email fraud.

This anti phishing solution for Gmail constantly guards against phishing attempts using the most advanced tools. Finally, you can stop phishing. It warns of incoming attacks, gives specific information, and presents this information in a user-friendly and accessible way everyone can relate to.

Installation is super quick and easy, and you can be up and running in no time, with no advanced installation required. You can also deploy it to as many members of your organization as you want. 

Contact us for any further questions you may have by visiting our Contact page.

Retruster can form part of a multi-layered security approach, and is compatible with most anti-virus and anti-spam products. Retruster is your last line of defense against phishing and fraud.

At Retruster, we understand that first and foremost you have a business to run - we don’t put extra stress on your servers, and you won’t notice us in loading speeds or email delivery times at all. The product is fast and effective.

Retruster is ideal for individuals and businesses who need protection from phishing attempts.
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Retruster Secure에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
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기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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