Easily schedule and join Microsoft Teams meetings from Google Workspace using your Teams work or school account.
Listingan diperbarui:10 Maret 2025
Berfungsi dengan:
16 jt+
Easily schedule and join Microsoft Teams meetings directly from Google Workspace. Stay connected and get more done together using video and audio conferencing, screen sharing, meeting chat, digital whiteboards, and more.  


Currently, you need to have a Microsoft work or school account to use the Microsoft Teams Meeting add-on.  

Meetings scheduled with this add-on only appear on your Google calendar. Contact your Teams administrator to have them enable syncing between your Google and Teams calendars - https://learn.microsoft.com/microsoftteams/connect-teams-essentials-to-email 

How the add-on works: 

Sign in to the Microsoft Teams Meeting add-on with your Microsoft work or school account. Go to your Google Workspace calendar to schedule a meeting, and then specify that it’s a Microsoft Teams meeting. Invite anyone with an email address. Your invitees will get an invitation with a couple of ways to join the meeting: a link to join the meeting, as well as information about how to dial in via phone if they need to. 

Docs: https://gsuite.microsoft.com/help 
Learn what's new: https://aka.ms/WhatsNew_TeamsAddOn 
Informasi tambahan
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