Revenue Grid is the Revenue Intelligence platform that provides full visibility into your revenue cycle and helps each member of your sales team immediately take right actions to achieve quota.
Informações atualizadas:29 de outubro de 2021
1 mil+
Visão geral
Get Revenue Grid to improve your sales team’s performance and shift your CRM from the “view mode” to the “do mode”. It works natively with Salesforce and CRMs from SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft.
Pipeline Inspection  
Gain absolute pipeline visibility and know where you stand on each of your deals and spot deals at risk immediately. Use algorithmic Guided Selling to identify deals at risk with the help of AI-scoring and notifications.  
Relationship Intelligence  
Map out relationships and connections between people involved in a deal and identify the key decision-makers who move deal forward.  
Revenue Signals   
Guide your sales team with AI-based prompts and recommendations about the next best steps on each specific deal. Build contextual Signals for any step of your sales process. Analyze your unified sales data to catch instances where the manager’s involvement is critical to progress a deal or coach the team.  
Team Analytics  
Streamline and focus your coaching initiatives by correlating the effort each member of your sales team makes to their win rates. 
Informações adicionais
PreçosSem custo financeiro
Status de negociante não especificado
Política de Privacidade
Termos de Serviço
O Revenue Grid pedirá as permissões abaixo. Saiba mais
O Revenue Grid precisará de acesso à sua Conta do Google
Isso permite que o Revenue Grid faça o seguinte:
Ver, editar, criar e excluir todos os seus arquivos do Google Drive
Ver, criar e excluir os próprios dados de configuração no Google Drive
Gerenciar rascunhos e enviar e-mails
Ver e editar os marcadores do seu e-mail
Ler, escrever e enviar e-mails da sua conta do Gmail
Ver, editar, compartilhar e excluir permanentemente todas as agendas que você acessa pelo Google Agenda
Ver, editar, fazer o download e excluir permanentemente seus contatos
Criar, editar, organizar e excluir todas as suas tarefas
Ver o endereço de e-mail principal da sua Conta do Google
Ver suas informações pessoais, inclusive aquelas que você disponibilizou publicamente
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