Let your text speak. Create natural sounding audio from your text with advanced text-to-speech technology (TTS). Over 30 high-quality voices for English and hundreds of others for other languages.
Fungerer med:
Rhetoro can create high-quality natural sounding audio of any words typed into Google Docs or Google Sheet document. You can collaborate on the recordings, share them with others or instantly download them.

Text-to-speech made easy
 - Rhetoro is an easy to use Google Docs add-on that generates human-sounding audio for your content.

Over 30 High quality voices just in English
 - Choose from male, female, children's and other high quality voices in British, Australian, American or Indiand accent and more than other 20 languages - including Spanish, French, German and Chinese (Mandarin).

Shareable & downloadable files
 - You can collaborate on the recordings, share them with others or download them as MP3s to use anywhere you want!

Find the perfect voice for your project's needs with more then 30 voices just for English

 - Rhetoro aggregates most popular solutions from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and IBM into one place and give you the choice to pick the voice that fits your text the best.

Tags: TTS, Text-to-Speech, Speech Synthesis, audio from text, voice, voices, Reading text
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