Mail Merge from a spreadsheet that is simple. Collects NO DATA. NO PII
정보 업데이트:2024년 10월 9일
호환 기기:
Set up columns in a spreadsheet. Make sure one column is email addresses. Use Ridiculously Basic Email Merge in the extensions menu to compose a BASIC no frills email message with {{merge tags}}. Save email message. Send personalized emails through the add-on. BASIC AND EASY! Really easy. 

Created for my friend Kimberly who wanted something simple! 

This is supposed to be BASIC so it will not get more features or more complicated. Keep it simple! Just merge the data into an email! 

Created by teacher and Google Developer Expert for Google Workpace™ Alice Keeler. Check out my other add-ons at and please leave me a 5 star review. 
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