Track email opens, recurring emails, notes, follow up emails, templates, signatures, CRM & more
Ficha actualizada:18 de septiembre de 2023
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18 mil+
Información general
Right Inbox is the #1 email productivity tool for Gmail™ . Join more than 250,000+ professionals that have added Right Inbox to Gmail™ . Right Inbox allows you to track emails in Gmail™ and set up email reminders plus 10 other cool features. 

With an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars on 12,000+ reviews on the Chrome Web Store, Right Inbox is a must have for all Google Workspace™ users. 

Right Inbox allows you to send emails later, email tracking, recurring emails, email notes, email reminders, follow up emails, templates, signatures, inbox pause, mail merge, CRM & more.

Watch our 2 minute Right Inbox explainer video here: 

How to download Right Inbox: 

1. Click on the blue install button 
2. Click “Sign In with Google”
3. For Right Inbox to properly provide you with email analytics and other features, you need to click “Allow” on this page
4. If you’re starting with the free plan, just click “Continue.” Otherwise, select your preferred paid plan to unlock even more features
5. Enjoy using Right Inbox!

Installing Right Inbox will effectively upgrade your Gmail™ with these superpowers:

-Reminders - never lose track of your most important emails. 

-Email Tracking - know who is opening your emails and who isn’t. 

-Email Templates - do you often need to write and send almost identical -emails? Save yourself time with the email templates feature. 

-Sequences - send follow-up emails depending on whether the last email has been opened or not. 

-Mail Merge - scale your cold outreach quickly without losing the personal touch. 

-Private Notes - need to keep track of particular details alongside an email contact? Simply use the private notes feature. 

-Recurring Emails - fed up with sending the same email over and over again? Use the recurring emails feature to send them at intervals that suit you.

-Send Later - need an email to reach someone's inbox at a specific time? Use Right Inbox’s send later feature with timezone support.

-Signatures - need multiple email signatures on one Gmail™ account? Right Inbox has you covered, allowing you to flip between email signatures quickly. 

-GIFs - search for and add a GIF in seconds within Gmail™

-CRM Sync - easily sync your emails with the most popular CRMs on the market. 

-Inbox Pause - temporarily stop new emails from appearing in your inbox for a specified duration (2-3 hours) or between certain hours.

-Email Encryption - End-to-end, fully-integrated Gmail™ encryption to keep you and your prospects safe

Why Choose Right Inbox?

So why is Right Inbox better than all those other Gmail™ plugins you’ve come across? 

For starters, Right Inbox’s free version has more features than the others.  Plus, it has a very low learning curve. All you need to do is install and start using immediately. It's that easy.

Put simply, the user experience is better than Boomerang's, it's easier to use than Bananatag, less clunky than Yesware, and much less complicated than Mixmax. 

Choose Right Inbox and experience email productivity like never before.


Right Inbox is free to use up to certain feature limits that reset every month. Paid plans start at $7.95 per month for unlimited features.

To learn more about our pricing please visit -

Privacy & Terms

Privacy Policy -
Terms and Conditions - 

Any questions? Email our support team at and we’d be glad to help.
Información adicional
PrecioPrueba sin coste adicional con funciones de pago
Política de privacidad
Términos del Servicio
Right Inbox solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Right Inbox necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Right Inbox podrá:
Ejecutar como complemento de Gmail
Ver tu país, tu idioma y tu zona horaria
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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23 de marzo de 2023
Hola, instalé Right Inbox correctamente pero no se me muestra el icono de arriba a la derecha, y tampoco las dos barras de herramienta en la ventana de nuevo mensaje. Di todos los permisos y efectivamente me aperece listada en la sección de Complementos instaldos. ¿Alguien sabe qué debo ahcer para pdoer ver las nuevas funciones?
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