rosterSync - Teacher Edition allows teachers to sync a Google Classroom course roster with Google Sheets.
개발자:New Visions Cloudlab
호환 기기:
rosterSync - Teacher Edition allows teachers to sync a Google Classroom course roster -- including student email addresses -- directly with Google Sheets for handy use with Add-ons like Doctopus, formMule, autoCrat, formRange, and others.


- Sync is to be run manually, from a friendly sidebar interface.

- Sync can be run in either direction: Classroom --> Sheet  -or-  Sheet --> Classroom.

- When run in Classroom --> Sheet mode, the Add-on inserts First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Classroom Status columns into the sheet and populates the sheet with all active and invited students.  On subsequent syncs, new students are added and removed students are flagged. Formulas and formatting will usually be copied down when new students are added to the sheet from Classroom.

- When run in Sheet --> Classroom mode, the Add-on seeks to update (add/remove) the student roster in the Classroom section using email addresses in the Email Address column of the sheet.  A preview is provided before any such action is taken to avoid user mistakes!

- Multiple tabs (sheets) within the spreadsheet can be synced to the same and/or different section.

- Headers are designed to match those used in the English version of the Doctopus Add-on, to allow for relatively easy interoperability and syncing of rosters.


- Use to quickly pull a class list into a Sheet for use with any number of Add-ons that can leverage student name and email address to enhance personalization and teacher workflow:  Doctopus, autoCrat, formMule, formRanger, etc.

- Use to create informal record-keeping sheets that are always up-to-date with your Classroom section.
Use to bypass the enrollment code process by creating classroom invitations for a roster of students.
New Visions Cloudlab사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
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