Rotations enables users to provide a list of names that should be rotated through in naming calendar events.
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
Rotations enables users to provide a comma-separated list of names (people, teams, tasks, etc. For example: "Alice,Bob,Charlie") that should be rotated through in naming calendar events.

Any upcoming events (up to 100) with "INeedAName" in their title will be renamed. For each event, "INeedAName" will be replaced by the next name (or set of names) in the rotation.

You can optionally specify an email address to add as an attendee for each name in your rotation using a colon (",Bob,").

You can name events using a single name or groups of a specific size (e.g. round-robin pairs).

Rotation ordering can be predictable or shuffled.

Multiple rotations can be nested within each other by including "INeedAName" in the list of names. For example, if a president and vice president want to take turns writing memos, signing letters, and conducting interviews, you could rename events using "president / INeedAName,vice president / INeedAName" then "Write memos,Sign letters,Conduct interview". (The first 4 upcoming events originally named "INeedAName" would now be named "president / Write memos", "vice president / Sign letters", "president / Conduct interview", and "vice president / Write memos".)
HinnatEi saatavilla
Asema elinkeinonharjoittajana määrittelemätön
Rotations pyytää sinulta alla mainittuja lupia. Lue lisää
Rotations tarvitsee pääsyn Google-tilillesi
Tällä luvalla Rotations voi tehdä seuraavaa:
Suorita Kalenterin lisäosana
katsoa ja muokata kaikkien kalentereiden tapahtumia
nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
nähdä henkilökohtaiset tietosi sekä kaikki sellaiset tiedot, jotka olet määrittänyt julkisiksi
Google ei todenna arvosteluja tai arvioita. Lue lisää arvosteluista
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