rowCall sorts rows from your main sheet by the column you select and creates individual sheets for every unique cell in that column.
406 тис.+
rowCall filters rows from your main Google Sheet by whatever column you select and then creates individual sheets for every unique cell in that column. This calls the rows out into their own space. If the automatic setting is enabled, any new entry or alteration to the main sheet, manual or form driven, will be fed to the individual sheets.

It can be used for a variety of purposes, such using a Google Form for assessments or self assessment. For example; each week students complete a self-assessment rubric form, the form is completed by all students in the class sending the results to the form response sheet. A teacher can then use the rowCall Add-on to create a separate sheet for each student and quickly view their individual entries in addition to the whole class summary of results from the form response sheet. Each new form entry will go to the form response sheet as well as each individual sheet if the automatic setting is enabled, thus providing a master sheet of the whole class scores each time a form entry is made and auto updating the individual sheets with their scores.
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