Automation Anywhere’s GSuite Addon lets users control bots right from the G Sheet toolbar
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Automation Anywhere’s RPA Bots for G Suite lets users control bots right from their G Sheet toolbar. From Google G Suite marketplace the Automation Anywhere users can  run and manage bots right from within G Sheets, instead of having to switch to the Automation Anywhere interface for those functions.
- Control Room Settings – login to Automation Anywhere (first time only), access the control room, configuration
- Bot Settings – run bots, select devices, monitor bots
- Queue Settings – add work items, prioritize work items
- Favorites Settings – save settings, create a favorites list
- Exception Handling – view fields that may have issues which need to be addressed
- On-line Help – provides topic specific help on features
- Documentation – detailed information on how to get started, advanced topics
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Aplikacja RPA Bots for G Suite poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
Aplikacja RPA Bots for G Suite będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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