This extension is a powerful, easy-to-use add-on that import/export data from Google Sheets ™. to Runo Call CRM application. Create your own custom triggers to perform data import/export to Runo Call CRM. You can create 'Triggers' to: ➜ Automatically export the new row added in the selected Google Sheets ™ as an Allocation into Runo Call CRM. ➜ Automatically import the interactions added in Runo Call CRM, every day at a configured time into Google Sheets ™ ➜ Automatically import the call logs added in Runo Call CRM, every day at a configured time into Google Sheets ™ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Steps to create a simple trigger: ➜ Provide your API Key (Generate it from Runo Admin Web Application) in the settings tab and validate it. ➜ Navigate to Create tab and provide the details to create your trigger. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Link to create your API Key Playstore Appstore