Founderpath spends millions of dollars cleaning your SaaS data set for you. Internal only. Until now: Drag cells to build the same reports our underwriters use. Financial, marketing, and sales.
Zápis aktualizován:24. února 2023
Žádné recenze
With Founderpath Sheets, you can quickly and automatically pull your SaaS data from different sales, marketing, and billing tools directly into Google Sheets™. 

This should help you build reports much faster. 

To get started, connect your data sources and select the metrics you want to build into the report (ARPU, CAC, Churn, MRR growth, etc). Then set up scheduled refresh times (once per week, or month)

Here are some examples of what you can do with Founderpath for Google Sheets™. 
Build your monthly marketing report with CAC data from your bank, customer data from stripe, and conversion profit/loss data from quickbooks. 
Have the reports get sent directly to your inbox
Access over 10 free SaaS reporting templates
Save time from manually copying and pasting data every month
Focus on analyzing data instead of collecting it (your time is worth more than being a full time data collector!)

Try Founderpath today for free. No credit card required. 

We support all major SaaS tools including Stripe, Chargebee, Recurly, Chargify, Quickbooks, Profitwell, Paddle, over 500+ banks and more. 

Getting your SaaS data into Google Sheets™ is easy with Founderpath. Once your data is imported through our importer, we clean it for you so you can do cross channel reporting and fast analysis with the click of a button. Build data visualizations, track funnel conversions, build reports for advisors/your board and more. 

If you need any help, reach us on support here:
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CenyBez dalších poplatků
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Zásady ochrany soukromí
SaaS Report Builder by Founderpath požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
SaaS Report Builder by Founderpath bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
Aplikaci SaaS Report Builder by Founderpath tím umožníte:
Vytvoření a aktualizace projektů v jazyce Google Apps Script
Zobrazení a správa tabulek, do kterých byla tato aplikace nainstalována
Připojení k externí službě
Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
Řadit podle:
Společnost Google recenze ani hodnocení neověřuje. Další informace o recenzích
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