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Integrate your Gmail™, Google Calendar and Salesforce.com CRM in one easy step with virtually nothing to install. Now with full mobile support for the Gmail™ app on iOS and Android!
Zápis aktualizován:28. ledna 2025
173 tis.+
Provides a 360° view of your customers directly in Gmail™ and Google Calendar. Allows you to save emails directly to Contacts and Leads in Salesforce from your Gmail™ and Google Calendar.  

It even allows you to reply and compose messages using Salesforce.com email templates or ChatGPT AI. The connector also works in any modern browser, including Chrome, Edge, and Safari, so you can have the same functionality whether using a desktop or mobile platform.

The add-on can be deployed to your entire company with a single click. Please reach out to sales@ienterprises.com for details on enterprise licensing and deployment.

Connector for Gmail™ and Salesforce.com brings Salesforce to your inbox and calendar.   When an email is received, the connector automatically shows the full Contact information directly from Salesforce, including related objects such as Accounts, Opportunities, Activities, etc.   It allows you to attach an email message or calendar item you have received to Salesforce with a single click.  You can create leads and contacts directly from your inbox and calendar.  In addition, you can reply to or compose messages using your Salesforce Email Templates.   An optional background sync can automatically synchronize all your email messages and calendar information with the appropriate contact or lead in Salesforce.com.  Best of all, everything works on mobile via the Gmail™ mobile app or from a desktop browser.

Email Integration Details
- Provides a 360-degree view of CRM information from your Gmail™ inbox
- File a message in Salesforce.com from Gmail™
- Attach emails to a contact or lead in Saleforce.com
- Open, create and edit the relevant Salesforce.com contact, lead, opportunity or other (custom) object without leaving the Gmail interface
- Reply or Compose messages using email templates from Salesforce.com
- Optionally automatically copy emails and attachments to Salesforce.com
- Create rules for which emails get automatically synchronized
- View and dial numbers using phone details from Salesforce.com from your mobile
- View social media profiles for related contacts 
- Reply to emails using ChatGPT AI - This feature allows you to enter directions for ChatGPT with additional instructions on how to reply.  The reply is then generated in DRAFT mode where you can manually edit it if needed and send. 

Calendar Integration Details
- Provides a 360-degree view of CRM information from your Calendar
- File a calendar item in Salesforce.com from Gmail™
- Create and edit  accounts, contacts, leads and other records directly from your calendar
- Open, create and edit the relevant Salesforce.com contact, lead, opportunity or other (custom) object without leaving the Gmail™ interface
- View and dial numbers using phone details from Salesforce.com from your mobile 
- Automatically synchronize calendar items from Gmail to Salesforce.com
- Automatically links calendar items with CRM Contacts or Leads
- Create rules for which calendar items get synchronized (coming soon)

This add-on is developed by iEnterprises.  iEnterprises is an award-winning CRM vendor that has been in business for more than 20 years.   Contact us at support@ienterprises.com for support issues or sales@ienterprises.com for enterprise licensing and pricing information.  

Salesforce.com – Enterprise Edition, Unlimited Edition, Professional Edition and Essentials Edition. Gmail™, Gmail™ iOS or Android app for mobile functionality
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Salesforce Connector for Gmail požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
Salesforce Connector for Gmail bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
Aplikaci Salesforce Connector for Gmail tím umožníte:
Správa konceptů a odesílání e-mailů, když interagujete s doplňkem
Zobrazení vašich e-mailových zpráv, když interagujete s doplňkem
Zobrazení metadat e-mailové zprávy, když je spuštěn doplněk
Zobrazení e-mailových zpráv, když je doplněk spuštěný
Spuštění v podobě doplňku Gmailu
Čtení, úpravy, sdílení a trvalé mazání kalendářů, ke kterým máte přístup pomocí Kalendáře Google
Zobrazení událostí, které otvíráte v Kalendáři Google
Úpravy událostí, které otevíráte v Kalendáři Google
Spuštění jako doplněk Kalendáře
Připojení k externí službě
Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
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