Automatically capture and sync relevant customer and sales information between your Google account and Salesforce.
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Einstein Activity Capture is a productivity-boosting tool that keeps data between Salesforce and your email and calendar applications up to date. To sync data between applications, Einstein Activity Capture focuses on three types of data: emails, events, and contacts.Einstein Activity Capture also summarizes sales activities added manually to Salesforce and added automatically by Einstein Activity Capture. The Activities dashboard breaks down data with various charts and filters. Activity Metrics lets you use activity data with Salesforce platform capabilities, such as triggers and list views.This app provides controlled access to your Google servers and lets you manage your Einstein Activity Capture users directly in the app. See Connect to Einstein Activity Capture with a Google Workspace Marketplace App in Salesforce Help. 
and your email and calendar applications up to date. To keep data up to date between applications,
Einstein Activity Capture focuses on three types of data—emails, events, and contacts.
Einstein Activity Capture also includes tools to summarize sales activities that were added to
Salesforce manually and by Einstein Activity Capture. The Activities dashboard breaks down data
with various charts and filters. Activity Metrics lets you use activity data with Salesforce platform
capabilities, such as triggers and list views.
Complete information, including setup steps, limitations, and details about how the feature works,
is available in Salesforce Help:
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عرض رسائلك الإلكترونية وإعداداتك
إرسال بريد إلكتروني نيابة عنك
الاطَلاع على جميع التقاويم التي يمكنك الوصول إليها باستخدام "تقويم Google" وتعديلها ومشاركتها وحذفها نهائيًا
عرض الأحداث وتعديلها في جميع تقاويمك
الاطّلاع على أي تقويم يمكنك الوصول إليه وتنزيله باستخدام "تقويم Google"
الاطّلاع على جهات اتصالك وتعديلها وتنزيلها وحذفها نهائيًا
الاطّلاع على معلومات الاتصال المحفوظة تلقائيًا في "جهات الاتصال الأخرى" وتنزيلها
الاطّلاع على جهات اتصالك وتنزيلها
الاطّلاع على دليل G Suite الخاص بمؤسستك وتنزيله
الاطّلاع على عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الرئيسي لحسابك على Google
الاطّلاع على بياناتك الشخصية، بما في ذلك أيّ بيانات شخصية قد جعلتها متاحة للجميع
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