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What is Salesforce Essentials?

Salesforce Essentials makes it possible to tap into the power of Salesforce to build stronger customer relationships with a combined sales and support CRM for small business that is easy to use, setup, and maintain — for just $25 per user per month. Since Essentials is built on the world's #1 CRM platform complete with a mobile app, small businesses can start working from anywhere, knowing they have the tools they need to collaborate and stay connected to customers. 

With Essentials, you can sell faster with a customizable view of all your sales details. Essentials ensures that you spend less time in spreadsheets and more time selling by tracking your emails, calls and meetings to automatically keep customer records up-to-date without tedious data entry. 

Once you close a deal, Essentials also includes a ton of customer service for small business productivity tools to help you make every new customer a loyal one. You can automate repetitive tasks, route questions to the best team member, and help customers help themselves with a branded self-service portal.
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