Uses the deep learning model GPT-3 created by OpenAI™ and integrates Sheets™ to help Sales teams.
Fiche mise à jour le :30 janvier 2023
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Key features:
Uses artificial intelligence to normalize job titles accurately

Saves time and ensures consistent communication

Easy to use within Google Sheets™

How it works:
Open the Google Sheets™ add-on and select the column containing the job titles you want to normalize.

Click "Normalize" and our AI will automatically standardize the job titles according to your company's guidelines.

Review the changes and click "Apply" to save them to your sheet.

What our customers are saying:
"I used to spend hours manually standardizing job titles, but with this tool, it takes just a few minutes! It's a huge time-saver." - Emily, HR Manager

"I love how accurate and consistent the job titles are after using this add-on. It's a game-changer for our company's HR department." - Alex, CEO

Try it now for free:
Experience the convenience and accuracy of our AI-powered job title normalization tool. Get started with a free trial today.

Informations supplémentaires
TarifsEssai sans frais
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
SalesGPT for Sheets™ vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
SalesGPT for Sheets™ aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
SalesGPT for Sheets™ pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Consulter, modifier, créer et supprimer toutes vos feuilles de calcul Google Sheets
Afficher et diffuser du contenu Web tiers dans les invites et les barres latérales au sein des applications Google
Vous connecter à un service externe
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
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