Powerful user configurable CRM manages pre-sales (lead to sales order) to post sales - field support. Links activities to sales results and customer satisfaction.
If your business is selling to other businesses, then you need Saleswah CRM!
Saleswah CRM is a mobile- first, web based application that helps field sales and service teams achieve their goals. It covers the entire pre-sales to post sales flow, from lead generation to nurturing of contacts and deals to sales orders, shipment and installation and then on to managing service tickets and resolving them.

Saleswah CRM brings in intuitive user interface, logical navigation and just the right insight making this a delight for field sales and service people to use. Reporting is online and always updated.

Thoughtfully designed screens keep you updated about the “value” of the individual Contacts and Accounts. Know how many Contacts exist in an Account, how many “open” Deals are there and how many Tasks are pending. Jump straight into the pending Tasks and Open Deals. 

Service people get to schedule maintenance, attend to breakdowns and use the right spares for the right job.

Saleswah CRM works on your web browser, Android phone, Windows 8 desktop.
Sign up for a 15 days free trial.
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