IT Asset Management by Samanage
39 тис.+
Samanage IT Service Desk helps you manage deliver a better support experience to your employees. Use Samanage to organize and deliver better IT service to your users. 

Key features of the Samanage IT Service Desk: 

- Users can submit incidents via email or the self-service portal, and view the status of their requests. 
- IT teams can view and collaborate on incidents and share workload with other team member. 
- Email notifications upon incident creation, updates, and new comments makes collaboration with service requesters easy. 
- Associate incidents with assets for end-to-end tracking of asset service and repair histories. 
- Capture knowledge and maintain a comprehensive information repository. 
- Deliver an integrated IT Service Catalog to your users - publish lists of available services (such as new laptop request or a password reset request) and let your users order these services through the self-service portal. 
- Customize support flows to optimize key support processes.
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Перегляд даних про користувачів вашого домену
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
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