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SaneConnect helps you find warm intros to any company. It analyzes your team’s combined email history to find strongest connections to any organization. It’s secure and private - it never looks at the content of the emails, only the metadata.

Why SaneConnect?

The Social Network
Your employees and their email are valuable assets. Don't waste them. Leverage the hidden social network in your company's email.

Intelligent Analytics
Way better than looking for intros on LinkedIn. View not only the contacts, but the strength and recency of the relationships, so you can ask the right person for a warm introduction.

Complete Security and Privacy
SaneConnect integrates with your email systems via Active Directory or Google Apps. It never looks at the content of your emails - only email headers. 

Who can benefit from SaneConnect?

Sales People: Warm leads result in more sales. Ask your colleague for a warm introduction and create champions out of target customers.

IT Professionals: Develop warmer relationships and negotiate better rates by finding the right introduction to your vendor's organization.

Business Development Professionals: Navigate your partner's organization like an insider and create more leverage for your deals.

For Developers and Everyone Else: The best way to get a company to do anything (fix a bug with the API, update a support article etc) is to get an introduction to the right person.

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