Sapling for Google Docs™ gives grammar and style suggestions to improve your writing. Website:
Дата оновлення:23 квітня 2024 р.
456 тис.+
Improve your writing with spelling, grammar, and stylistic suggestions.
Spell check, grammar checking and correction, fluency and stylistic edits.
Sapling is an AI extension that makes grammar and style suggestions to help you write on-point messages and content.
Sapling uses deep learning technology (akin to GPT2/GPT3) to provide the best recommendations.

Use Sapling to:
• Correct spelling/typos (e.g. grammer) and use as a grammar checker or to rephrase.
• Write fluent messages, emails, and documents.
• Maintain professional writing tone across your business team.

Sapling goes beyond spelling and grammar correction.
Features include:
• 60% more grammar mistakes caught than other tools.
• Compare for yourself against tools like Grammarly (Grammerly, Gramarly), Ginger, LanguageTool, WhiteSmoke, ProWritingAid, and Microsoft Editor.
• Secure data processing.
• Better grammar and writing suggestions with use.

Additional plugins are also available for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Microsoft Word:

English is supported by default; contact us for support for other languages.

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Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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