Save As Doc will convert a selection from a Sheet to a more readable version in Google Documents.
Ändrades senast:16 april 2023
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Save As Doc is now a Google Workspace Add-on. This means the Add-ons menu will only display "Help" while the add-on itself is located in the Workspace Add-ons sidebar.

Core Features
    * Choose any name for the generated document
    * Select any number of cells to output
    * Choose any heading style for column headings
    * Add a page break after each row of data
    * Save the current settings as the default
    * Generates a Google Document in your Google Drive

How to use
    1. Click the Save As Doc add-on icon in the Google Workspace sidebar
    2. Select the cells to include or choose “Select all data”
    3. Enter a file output name.
    4. Modify the output settings in the sidebar.
    5. Choose Save as Doc.

Save As Doc will output the Google Sheets cell content as a paragraph one after the next. This means that the Sheet content will not be output side by side as laid out in the Sheet.
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