Export, convert and save Gmail™ emails as a PDF document. This app also offers functionalities like merging multiple emails into a single PDF, company-wide admin management, and more.
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:28 tháng 5, 2024
Hoạt động với:
10 N+
Tổng quan
Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ is designed to simplify the process of converting Gmail™ emails into PDF documents. The extension allows for a variety of functionalities, including:

Simple Conversion: With a single click, users can save individual Gmail™ messages as PDF documents - including all attachments. This feature is particularly useful for creating backups of important emails or for sharing emails in a universally accessible format.

Multiple Email Conversion: Users can merge or append multiple email messages into a single PDF. This can be handy for consolidating email conversations or for compiling related emails together, like e-receipts that can be sent to an accountant in one document. Or all emails and attachments related to a real estate transaction.

Backup and Upload Features: The add-on enables users to package all their email messages and upload them into their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. It also offers the option to create a hard copy backup of emails for personal records.

Integration with Cloud Storage Services: There are options to enable saving messages directly to cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive.

Customization Options: Users can configure default options such as password protection, paper size, and how attachments are handled in the PDF conversion process.

Legal and Compliance Uses: The extension can be used for legal email collection and managing email records for compliance with laws like the Sunshine Act, which requires transparency in government agencies. This feature ensures that email evidence is collected in a lawful, repeatable, and defensible manner, making them admissible in court if necessary.

Team Features: There is also a version for teams that allows multiple users to save emails as PDFs, which can be particularly useful for business environments.
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Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ sẽ yêu cầu các quyền như trình bày bên dưới. Tìm hiểu thêm
Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ sẽ cần có quyền truy cập vào Tài khoản Google của bạn
Điều này sẽ cho phép Save Emails as PDF by cloudHQ:
Xem siêu dữ liệu email của bạn khi tiện ích bổ sung đang chạy
Xem email của bạn khi tiện ích bổ sung đang chạy
Chạy dưới dạng tiện ích bổ sung của Gmail
Kết nối với dịch vụ bên ngoài
Xem địa chỉ email chính cho Tài khoản Google của bạn
Xem thông tin cá nhân của bạn, bao gồm mọi thông tin cá nhân mà bạn đã đăng công khai
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