This Add-on helps users to save their sheets data to docs. It also provides extensive customisation options before saving the data so you don't need to apply styles individually on docs.
Oppføring oppdatert:29. november 2023
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Save to Doc is a Google Workspace Add-on, which helps users to save their sheets data to docs. It also provides extensive customisation options before saving the data so you don't need to apply styles individually on docs.


Add-on provides following features:
  - Select whole sheet to save with one click
  - Choose any name for your new generated doc
  - Choose first row of sheet or top row of selected data as your heading
  - Multiple separation options between heading and its value e.g. (colon, dash, coma, dot, new line or any custom value you can edit)
  - Option to replace the already existing doc with same name, which helps to remove duplication
  - You can create unlimited customised docs from your sheet
  - Custom Styling options for heading or its value, it includes following options
    - Over 100 fonts
    - Custom size for your text
    - Colour pallet for unlimited colouring options
    - Make the text bold, Italic, underlined, and strikethrough right from add-on, which helps you to not do all the manual work inside the doc again, change newly created doc with just one click

When a license is required?
  - If you want to use custom separator between header and it's value
  - All styling options are included in pro version

You pay a small subscription fee to use the Add-on for all your sheets. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
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se, endre og slette filene du har på Google Disk, samt opprette nye
opprette regneark og se, endre og slette alle regnearkene dine i Google Regneark
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