The ScanPower add-on provides bi-directional API access between Google Sheets™ and the ScanPower API.
Oppføring oppdatert:8. februar 2024
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If you source products online, it can be a challenge to track all the details of your purchases. You need to record the purchase date, supplier, cost, quantity, shopper, and other details for inventory management and COGS. Google Sheets™ is the perfect way to do this. With Google Sheets™ and the ScanPower Workspace add-on, you can maintain an ongoing purchase log (buylist) and upload your buys each day to ScanPower’s Inventory Buylist. Purchased products seamlessly transfer with all details for future listing and shipment creation inbound to Amazon FBA. You can selectively import as many rows as you like. Each successful import will highlight the ASIN column in green so you know that information was transferred to ScanPower.

The ScanPower Workspace add-on supports the following buylist columns:

ASIN, MSKU,  purchased date, condition, cost, price, quantity, source / supplier, and expiration date (for consumable goods)

You may also keep additional sourcing columns private to your sheet.
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