Schedule session rosters from the registration information from a Google Form™. Automatically schedule sessions rosters choosing from multiple available activities. Checks room capacity.
Ficha actualizada:15 de julio de 2024
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64 mil+
Información general
Planning a fun day or event with multiple activity options over multiple sessions? For example a school having a fun day with a rotation of activities. This Add-on collects NO user data. NO PII. Take the registration information from a Google Form™ and automatically generate session rosters. 

This Google Sheets™ Add-on is for the Form Responses from a Google Form™ with exactly one Multiple Choice Grid type question. Activity options are provided in the rows of the Multiple Choice Grid question. Column options allow the participant to rank their activity choices. For example, 1st choice, 2nd, 3rd.

In the Google Sheet™ with the Form Responses as the first tab, use the Extensions menu to select Scheduler by Alice Keeler. Setup the schedule. This will add a sheet with a grid of the activity choices and number of sessions. Fill in the room capacity for each activity and session. 

After participants have completed the registration/interest form, run sessions using Scheduler by Alice Keeler to automatically assign participants to an activity based on the availability of room in the session activity and preferred choice of the participant. 

Scheduler by Alice Keeler cycles through the activity list looking for participants 1st choice and if there is room in that activity assigns them to the session roster. It then cycles through looking for 2nd choice, then 3rd, etc.. until the participants are assigned a session activity. 

Due to room availability and participant choice selections some sessions slots are not assigned to a participant. Scheduler by Alice Keeler allows you to easily review which sessions still have room and assign to individuals. Option for mass assigning remaining participant slots to sessions that have room.

Create a schedule per participant in a Google Doc™ and email them their schedule of activities. 

Create a spreadsheet. per activity with a tab for each session and the list of participants in that session. 

BONUS FEATURE: for ANY Google Form™ get a list of who did NOT fill out the Google Form. Add a sheet to your Form responses spreadsheet that contains the email addresses of who you expect to fill out the Form. 

Check out more of her Add-ons at
Información adicional
PrecioPrueba sin coste adicional con funciones de pago
Política de privacidad
Términos del Servicio
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