is a tool which lets companies automatically generate attendance schedules. This Gmail plugin allows employees of companies using Schej to make requests to change their scheduled attendance.
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Schej is a dynamic employee scheduling tool. It ensures staff are in the office when collaboration is needed, and are able to work remotely when productivity is key. Schej automatically generates employee schedules to let them know when they are working in the office, or working remotely. 

This Gmail plugin lets employees of organisations using Schej make requests to change their attendance type without leaving Gmail. It adds a new sidebar to the Gmail window, which takes the user step-by-step through the process of making and sending a request. 

Requests can be reviewed by company admins and team leaders. When the requests have been reviewed, employees will receive an email with the decision - all without logging into the app.

Please note, this plugin requires that your organisation has an account on the app and the employee has been added to the organisation. Please see or contact for more information. 
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Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
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