The Schoology Sync Workflow is designed to help teachers/educators easily access their Schoology account all from one location by creating assignments with links and embeded content into their Schoology Courses, Caledars, Materials, and more in a simplified process from just one Google Sheet.
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The Schoology Sync Workflow is designed to help teachers/educators easily access their Schoology account all from one location by creating assignments with links and embeded content into their Schoology Courses, Caledars, Materials, and more in a simplified process from just one Google Sheet. 

The Schoology Sync Workflow app will automate the process for you in the following manners: 

- Create the necessary sheets to send to Schoology the assignments with the attachments and embeded information/materials you want/need. With the creation of the sheets are organized planners with exact location for you to place the information you need to send to the Assignment Sheet that will post to Schoology as the Semester sheets will allow you to plan out your year based on the dates. Then, when you go into the Assignment Sheet(s), you can easily click on items that pull the Semester sheet's information into the correct locations based on your selection of the date for which you want assignments pulled into your Schoology Course(s).
- Easily access your Google Drive Items from the same spreadsheet as you can pull into the sheet a listing of folders/files to have the names and links you may want/need for your planning to enter into the Semester sheet that pulls into the Assignments for easier automatation. 

- Curriculum Standards Mapping is another item added to help you easily add a list of standards that you may want to use within the same sheet to click through a checklist called from the sidebar that will combine your Standards as you place it into any cell's location when you plan out your work. 

-Calendar Sync will allow you to sync your Google Calendars to your Schoology Course based on the same automation process. Thus, you will be able to show your Google Calendar Events in your Schoology Course's Calendars. 

-Google Suite items can easily be created for template building as you have this option to create google files and folders. You will have the option of creating all the folders within folders to help you quickly create an organized Google Drive.  

More Items included and will be added after feedback becomes available.
Informazioni aggiuntive
PrezziNon disponibili
Stato commerciante non specificato
AssistenzaNon disponibili
Norme sulla privacy
Termini di servizio
Schoology Sync Workflow richiederà le autorizzazioni mostrate di seguito. Scopri di più
Schoology Sync Workflow dovrà poter accedere al tuo Account Google
Ciò consente all'app Schoology Sync Workflow di
Visualizzare, modificare, creare ed eliminare tutti i tuoi documenti di Documenti Google
Visualizzare e gestire i documenti in cui è stata installata questa applicazione
Visualizzare, modificare, creare ed eliminare tutti i tuoi file di Google Drive
Visualizzare, modificare, creare ed eliminare soltanto i file di Google Drive specifici che usi con questa app
Visualizzare e gestire moduli in Google Drive
Visualizzare, modificare, creare ed eliminare tutti i tuoi fogli di lavoro di Fogli Google
Visualizzare e modificare gli eventi in tutti i tuoi calendari
Visualizza e pubblica contenuti web di terze parti in messaggi e barre laterali all'interno delle applicazioni Google
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