Free calculator, unit converter for general, students, Mathematics, Engineering. Easy-to-use General or Scientific Calculator.
تم تحديث البيانات في:14 مارس 2022
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+175 ألف
نظرة عامة
This app is a free general,math/scientific calculator similar to those from TI, Casio, HP and others. It supports functions for algebra and trigonometry. Enter a formula either by typing on the keyboard, pressing the buttons on the calculator with the mouse, or a mixture of both.

Support Math Constants, Math Functions, Keyboard shortcuts...

Free calculator for general, students, advanced Mathematics, Physics and Engineering problems. 
Easy-to-use General Purpose Calculator, Scientific Calculator.

Provides Total Unit Converter.
It is easily convert various units to different measurement systems. Entry the required value, it will get the results automatically.
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