The best and easiest citation tool for Google Docs™. Cite effortlessly and create your bibliography with over +7000 styles.
정보 업데이트:2024년 12월 3일
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The best and easiest citation tool on Google Docs™. Cite effortlessly and create your bibliography with over +7000 styles.
Sciwheel is a great online reference manager that saves you time when writing a research paper, thesis or grant.

With our add-on you can easily cite any reference saved in your Sciwheel library. Choose APA, Chicago, Harvard, IEEE, MLA, Vancouver, or any other from more than 7000 styles to effortlessly format your citations and bibliography.

You'll also get smart citation suggestions and be able to search PubMed and our database of 170,000+ expert recommended articles - all without leaving Google Docs™.

Haven't got an Sciwheel account? Sign-up now in
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