Turn emails into actionable tasks in Scoro and log time directly from your inbox.
정보 업데이트:2024년 12월 31일
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Scoro is a comprehensive work management software designed to help businesses gain visibility into projects, finances, resources, and reporting in a single system.

If you handle a significant amount of your work via email, the Scoro Gmail™ add-on enables you to log time and activities into Scoro without leaving your inbox.

With the Scoro Gmail™ add-on, you can:
- Convert emails into actionable tasks within Scoro directly from your inbox.
- Link emails to relevant projects and activity types, ensuring time gets billed correctly.
- Log time spent on emails, ensuring it's reflected accurately in work reports.
- Sync email threads into Scoro for context and add additional comments via the add-on.

This helps centralize your communication and saves you time on admin work in Scoro.
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