Easy web scraping: Yahoo Finance, Stock Market, Amazon, YouTube™, Dividend Data, Stock Price Data, Crypto Price, Facebook, Nasdaq, Binance, Bloomberg - Scraper to crawl website data into Google Sheets
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:6 tháng 3, 2025
Hoạt động với:
306 N+
Tổng quan
➤ ➤ ➤ FEATURES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

This add-on is broadly applicable like a Swiss army knife! You have data outside of Google Spreadsheet™ which should be imported? You have found the perfect companion.

Our addon consists of multiple modules, each one dedicated to a specific data import task:

Use the web scraping formula: =SCRAPE(url, selector, options) to scrape data from any website.

The big advantage over =IMPORTXML(), IMPORTHTML(), IMPORTFEED() and IMPORTDATA() is that CSS selectors can be used. CSS selectors are more popular than XPath selectors. It is also a good alternative to GOOGLEFINANCE().

You can import any data from any website with this formula, for example: Amazon, Google Search™, Yahoo Finance, Google Maps™, Instagram, Bloomberg, Nasdaq, YouTube™, Reddit, Twitter (X), TikTok, NSE India, Facebook, Seeking Alpha, Market Watch, LinkedIn, Zillow - any public web data can be scraped!

Many users are especially interested in crawling the following crypto websites: CoinMarketCap / Coin Market Cap, MercadoBitcoin, Poloniex, Block, Coinigy, CoinLayer, Livecoin, Blockchain, Cryptonator, Nexchange, Zloader, CoinRanking, Coinlore, Coinlib, CoinDesk, ICObench, Binance, BitcoinAverage, Coinbase, CryptoStandardizer, IEX, Bitfinex, Coinpaprika, BitcoinCharts, Coinbase Pro, CoinGecko, WorldCoinIndex, NiceHash, Bitmex, Bittrex, Gemini, CoinAPI, Messari, CryptUnit, WhatToMine, Nomics, CryptoCompare, Paradigm, The Block, Coinmetrics, Cointracking, Shrimpy, CCXT, Chainz, Crypto51, Earn, Etherscan, Ethplorer, OpenFIGI, Cryptowatch, FOAM, Amberdata, Cryptosheets, Bloxy, Bitwise, Kryptocal, Tokeninsight, Kaiko, Flipside Crypto, Huobi, LocalBitcoins, Kraken, Covalent, TokenAnalyst, DeFi Pulse, Compound, Alethio, Decred Data, Kyber Network, LoanScan, CryptoRank.io, CoinCodex, LedgerX, Deribit, ContractMarketCap, Dapp.review, StableCoinIndex, FTX, DEX.AG, Lunarcrush, dYdX, CryptoQuant, Coinbase Prime, GlassNode, TzStats, Binance Dex, TronScan, 1inch, XRP Ledger, 0xTracker, Radar Relay, Cryptocontrol, Binance US, Coinbase Custody, Smartable Coronavirus API, EOD Historical Data, Bybit, ByteTree, Covidtracking, Bitstamp, Bitflyer, itBit, OKEX, Paraswap, QUME, OmniAPI, Delta Exchange, CoinCodeCap, Crypto.com, 0xAPI, Blocklytics, Blockset, AdaEx, Equos, Paxful, Blockstream, CrossTower, Minerstat, The Graph, Yearn API, QTUM, Infura, IntoTheBlock, Vantage Crypto, Xangle, Iconomi, Blockcypher, Masternodes, IDEX, Uniswap, Coindar, Cryptohopper, KuCoin, DragonGlass, NeoScan, Stellar, TokenView, CryptoAPIs.io, Beaconchain, WAVES, Bonfida, OpenSea, Decentraland, GrinMint, Polkascan, TokenLists, Uniswap.

Extract data from any website with the help of our crawler like: dividend, price, market cap, title, sale price, stock price, crypto data, customer reviews etc.

Our addon is especially helpful for the following fields: SEO, e-Commerce (e.g. scrape Amazon), trend monitoring, eCommerce competitor analysis, stock trader (e.g. scrape dividend data, scrape stock price), Social Media marketing (e.g. scrape Facebook), crypto trader (e.g. scrape crypto price, create your own cryptosheet and cryptoreports) - import data from any website!

Users of ImportFromWeb, ImportJSON, Supermetrics, Mixed Analytics, KPI bees, DataConnector, SheetGo, Google Analytics™, Autocrat and Power Tools also love our addon.

Programmatically import calendar templates into your Google Spreadsheet™.

The following templates are available:
-) For the previous year
-) For the current year
-) For the next year

Each template displays:
-) Month
-) The weekday names
-) The calendar week
-) Day of the month

In addition you can choose your country and get the local holidays highlighted.

Sync your tables directly from Coda into your Google Sheets™.

Also the reversed way - from Google Sheets™ to Coda - can be handled.

➤ ➤ ➤ ISSUES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Only the "Help" menu item does show up
Just reload the page or wait a couple of seconds more, then all menu items will show up.

2) The error message "drive.google.com refuses to connect" shows up within the sidebar
The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

3) The sidebar is completely blank
The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

➤ ➤ ➤ SUPPORT ➤ ➤ ➤ 

Our website offers a FAQ section, with answered questions from other users. In addition you will find a contact form, to get in touch with us.

We are grateful for any feedback and feature requests :)

➤ ➤ ➤ TECHNOLOGY ➤ ➤ ➤ 

The addon uses proxies all over the world to avoid getting blocked. In addition the addon offers the ability to render JavaScript. Currently there is no AI involved but it might be added in the future.
Thông tin bổ sung
GiáDùng thử không mất phí
Nhà phát triển
Không phải bên giao dịch
Chính sách quyền riêng tư
Điều khoản dịch vụ
SCRABY scrape Yahoo Finance, Amazon, Crypto, Stock sẽ yêu cầu các quyền như trình bày bên dưới. Tìm hiểu thêm
SCRABY scrape Yahoo Finance, Amazon, Crypto, Stock sẽ cần có quyền truy cập vào Tài khoản Google của bạn
Điều này sẽ cho phép SCRABY scrape Yahoo Finance, Amazon, Crypto, Stock:
Xem và quản lý bảng tính mà ứng dụng này đã được cài đặt bên trong
Hiển thị và chạy nội dung web bên thứ ba trong lời nhắc và thanh bên ở trong các ứng dụng của Google
Kết nối với dịch vụ bên ngoài
Cho phép ứng dụng này chạy khi bạn không có mặt
Xem địa chỉ email chính cho Tài khoản Google của bạn
Xem thông tin cá nhân của bạn, bao gồm mọi thông tin cá nhân mà bạn đã đăng công khai
Bài đánh giá
Ngôn ngữ:
Sắp xếp theo:
Google không xác minh bài đánh giá hoặc điểm xếp hạng. Tìm hiểu thêm về bài đánh giá
Profile Picture
Mely Home
28 tháng 7, 2024
I use the same formula, syntax but today it gives correct result, tomorrow it gives error "#ERROR!". Please help!
Bài đánh giá này có hữu ích không?
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Phương YNWA
5 tháng 8, 2024
Very useful
Bài đánh giá này có hữu ích không?
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Văn Hoàn Lương
3 tháng 7, 2024
very good
Bài đánh giá này có hữu ích không?
1-3 / 3
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