Search and bring your research into Google Docs while automagically managing your citations and properly formatted bibliography.
Adatlap frissítve:2024. június 11.
A következőkkel működik:
33 M+
Scrible Writer is the powerful writing companion to Scrible, the modern research platform for school and work. Scrible Writer requires and works with your Scrible account. Sign up for a free Scrible account at

Scrible Writer lets you search the full text of the research you’ve annotated and saved to your Scrible Library directly from within Google Docs. View the highlighted passages that match your keyword searches in search results that appear right alongside your Doc in a Sidebar.

Click on the passages to insert them as quotes in the Doc and their corresponding inline citations are automagically inserted as well. The citations are also as added to your Bibliography.

In a separate tab, see which curated sources in your Scrible Library match your keyword searches and click on them to add them as general references to your Bibliography.

Your Bibliography is automagically maintained and inserted at the end of your Doc so you can spend less time on tedious manual formatting and more time crafting your brilliant paper!

Scrible Writer allows students and educator to cite Websites for free in MLA, APA and Chicago citation styles with a free Scrible Edu account. Upgrade to scrible Edu Pro for 7000+ citation styles and much more.

Please send us questions or feedback at or
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A dokumentumok megtekintése, szerkesztése, létrehozása vagy törlése a Google Dokumentumok szolgáltatásban
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