AI-Powered Scrupp Add-on: Enhance your data analysis with advanced AI capabilities Interact Scrupp AI with your Data from the spreadsheet Enrich your spreadsheet with Emails, Phones
Дата оновлення:19 жовтня 2024 р.
8 тис.+
The potential of ChatGPT within your documents is virtually limitless. 
This add-on provides two straightforward custom functions that harness the AI capabilities of GPT-3 to Google Sheets™, allowing you to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. 

These tasks include:

- generating blog post ideas
- composing complete paragraphs or procedures
- - cleaning up lists of names, addresses, emails, or companies
- classifying reviews by sentiment or features
- summarizing reviews
- crafting online comment responses
- rapidly trying different versions of a prompt
- producing ad copy for PPC, Google Ads, or Facebook Ads
- refining SEO metadata such as titles and descriptions
- enhancing landing page copy, and managing and cleaning product catalogs for Shopify and Amazon e-commerce stores

The add-on also permits easy experimentation with hyperparameters such as temperature, model, and maxTokens. 

While this add-on is completely free to use, you will be required to pay OpenAI's API fees and enter your OpenAI API key. 

You can find all of the necessary information on our website:

Please be aware that while this tool provides many helpful features, it is not recommended for composing letters to one's grandmother; pen and paper are still the best options for such correspondence. 
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Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Таблиць
Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
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