Select a column. Create a new spreadsheet with a sheet in a column by category for export or print. Header and Footer Optional.
Ficha actualizada:23 de enero de 2024
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6 mil+
Información general
Sections to Sheets is a free Google Sheets Add-on that separates rows by column sections and puts them in individual pages or sheets in a spreadsheet in preparation export and printing.

Example 1

Let's say you want to print out a list of expenditures by department and you want each department to start on a new page. You'll also want to keep the same header for each page.

Example 2

You might want to export a list of grades by class number. You sort the grades by class and then export the list with each class starting on a new page with a header and footer.

Sections to Sheets can help you achieve this quickly by creating a new Google Spreadsheet and separating each selection and putting it into a new Sheet(tab) with or without headers and footer. This will enable you to quickly export or print your sheets.

Spreadsheet programs generally don't do a good job of automatically separating data by a column and printing or exporting it out. Usually you are left with setting a header and footer and then dragging your cursor over each set data you want to have on a separate page.

This is fine if you don't have much data, but what happens if say, you want separate your sales data for each city in your state and put that data on separate pages with a neat header and footer. Then it becomes a massive chore prone to error.

But not with Sections to Sheet.
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Sections to sheets solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Sections to sheets necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Sections to sheets podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar solo los archivos de Google Drive que utilices en esta aplicación
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