Locate and select cells by type: values, formulas, notes, blanks, visible cells, precedents, fill colors, dependents, validations, formatting, and differences.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:7 Mart 2025
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🚀 Find, select, and highlight cells in spreadsheets with Select Special!
Select Special is a tool that helps you quickly find and select specific types of cells for data analysis, auditing, and cleanup.

🔎 Key Features:
✅ Find manually entered values – Select cells that contain typed data (numbers, text, dates, errors, etc.)
✅ Highlight formulas & results – Select cells with formulas whose results match specified criteria (numbers, text, dates, etc.).
✅ Identify row & column differences – Spot discrepancies in values and formulas across rows and columns for better data accuracy.
✅ Trace precedents & dependents – See which cells affect or depend on a formula.
✅ Find Colors – Identifies and highlights cells filled with color.
✅ Find blank cells – Locate empty cells for cleaning or adding missing data.
✅ Select visible cells only – Avoid hidden rows and columns when analyzing data.
✅ Locate cells with data validation – Identify cells with specific validation rules.
✅ Find cells with notes – Highlight cells that contain notes for context or collaboration.
✅ Detect conditional formatting rules – Easily locate cells with conditional formatting applied.
✅ Select entire data regions – Automatically detect and highlight contiguous data ranges.
✅ Jump to the last data cell – Quickly navigate to the last cell in a dataset.

🔍 Works seamlessly in spreadsheet applications! Perfect for data analysts, accountants, and anyone working with large datasets.
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