Bulk email verification and validation directly in Google Sheets™!
Дата оновлення:11 лютого 2022 р.
Send Sleuth is the best email verification and validation add-on for Google Sheets™. Never send an email to an invalid address again with our advanced checking methods. We check a number of factors including the server's MX records, the email's syntax, and more! You can bulk validate emails to ensure your whole list is accurate before sending out emails.

- Bulk verify emails
- Checks email syntax, MX records, and more
- Fast checking
- Easy to use
- Works directly in Google Sheets™
- Fast and friendly support

How To Use?
1. After installing the addon, open a spreadsheet.
2. Click "Extensions" at the top, click "Send Sleuth" and click "Start".
3. Follow the short guide on the sidebar on the right.
4. Validate your emails!

Get started validating your email addresses with Send Sleuth today! Send Sleuth will take your email marketing to the next level with our advanced checking methods, ensuring high deliverability and an effective campaign. 
Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Статус продавця не вказано
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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Додатку Send Sleuth - Email Verification & Validation буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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