Find and fix topical gaps in your SEO Content. Rank higher on search.
Дата оновлення:30 серпня 2021 р.
6 тис.+
Topic SEO Content Optimization Tool is an Add-On that shows you the key topics you need to cover in your article in order to maximize your search ranking. Simply enter the keyword your article is targeting, and our AI analyzes the top-performing content in Google to extract exactly what your audience expects to read about and show you what your content is missing.

This Add-On is a paid product that is tied to a paid Topic subscription.

# Interactive Grader
Our easy-to-use grader updates in real-time as you edit the content. Clicking any of the topics shows you how they are used in competing content so you can quickly learn the context.

# Questions to Answer
See what questions your readers are asking related to your keyword. Answering these questions increases the value of your content and makes you more likely to rank for Google's People Also Ask box.

# Outlines of Top Content
Choose the best headings and subheadings for your article based on outlines of top-ranking content. Easily see how others have broken down a complex subject into more manageable pieces.

# Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try it for free?
- No, you will need to sign up for a paid Topic ( account use the Google Docs Add-On. However, if you email with the keyword you would like us to analyze we would be happy to send you a link to a content brief within our platform.

How do I register for a paid account?
- Follow the instructions here:

Can I use this to access a Topic content brief that was shared with me?
- Yes. Simply Click “Load Brief” and enter the URL of the content brief.

Need support? Have feedback?
- Don’t hesitate to reach out at, or go to and use the chat widget, which goes directly to our Slack. You can expect a quick response from us during our business hours which are Monday through Friday, 10am-5pm PST.
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