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Get your web site search rank or extract search results using localized searches on Google, Bing, Baidu and more.. This add-on allow advanced analysis of search engine without any programming skills.
Ändrades senast:14 december 2023
Fungerar med:
6 tn+
This add-on allows to run localized search  on Google, Bing and Baidu. It makes easy to search or return the current ranking of your website.

Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/GB0ulLtKQZg

This add-on offers:
 - 2 examples to get started
 - Custom function to return search result from Google, Bing, Baidu:
 =SERPAPI_RESULT("q=coffee&engine=google&location=austin", "organic_results.0.title") Returns SerpApi result using any search engine and selector supported.
 - Rank your web site on Google using localized search:
 =SERPAPI_RANK("q=coffee&engine=google&location=austin", "yourwebsite.com") Returns rank of yourwebsite.com for Coffee in Austin.

To see all the parameters you can use in the query, make sure to checkout the SerpApi Playground: https://serpapi.com/playground

Status: Public Beta testing.

This add-on leverages SerpApi service which provides the capability to search on Google from anywhere in the planet.
Please register on https://serpapi.com and copy your API key from the dashboard. We offer 100 monthly searches for free.
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SerpApi - Search Engine Results and Ranks behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger SerpApi - Search Engine Results and Ranks behörighet att:
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
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