Share-A-Cart accelerates the purchasing process and frees up time for teachers, administrators, and parents so that you can get back to what matters most
정보 업데이트:2025년 2월 24일
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Share-A-Cart makes it easy to share class supply lists with parents and students. 

If you are a teacher and you need your students to bring specific supplies to class, this app makes it easy to share these lists as Google Classroom announcements. It's easy:

1. Use Share-A-Cart to create a shopping cart that contains what your students need.
2. Open the Share-A-Cart app in Google Classroom, and select the cart you want to share with the class.
3. Select how you want to announce this list (via email or announcement).

Please let us know how the app is working for you, or if you have any suggestions on how to improve it.
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