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Turn your 📗 Google Sheets into 🎨 professional websites
Ficha actualizada:11 de septiembre de 2024
Compatible con:
132 mil+
Información general
✨ Create your own website without writing code using only 📗 Google Sheets. Build a fully functional website with pictures, text, filters and links!
👇 How it works?

1. Add your data to the Google Sheet
2. Select a template of your website
3. Generate a website


👌 Synced
- Changes made in Google Sheet will be automatically publish to the website!


💼 Use Cases:

1. Create an entire website from scratch
2. Embed it to your existing website


🎬 Showcase. Examples of websites made by people with Sheet2Site:



🎁 Features:

- Connect custom domain
- Filters and Multi Filters with Dropdowns
- Search
- Collect emails with Mailchimp
- Receive data from Google Form / Typeform dirrectly to the sheet
- Stripe or PayPal to accept payments from your customers


🖼 Templates:

New Templates:
- Restaurant Menu: https://sheet2site.com/templates/restaurant-menu/
- Employees Team Directory: https://sheet2site.com/templates/employee-directory/ (Support Sharepoint)
- Search: http://sheet2site.com/templates/search/ (make yourn own Google live search website)

More Templates:
- Table view: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/table
- Job Board: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/jobboard
- Voting: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/vote
- E-commerce: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/business
- Amazon: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/business2
- Events: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/events
- Real estate with a map view: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/real-estate
- Blog: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/blog
- People who need help (covid-19, coronavirus): https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/corona


📌 Embed:

- Embed Google Sheet into your existing site
- Already have a website and want to embed your spreadsheet data in a visual way? 
- Supported website builders: Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, Weebly, WordPress, Confluence, Shopify, SharePoint, Carrd or any other CMS custom site.
- To embed Sheet2Site website open Add-on menu and press Embed.


⭐️ More:

- Amazon Affiliate websites
- Call to actions
- Google Analytics
- Links tracking
- Chat
- Meta title and description
- Detailed pages (ex example.com/about)
- Custom CSS, HTML, Javascript
- Maps
- SEO Optimization: https://www.sheet2site.com/seo
- Lazy load
- Pagination
- User login and passwords
- Charts: https://chart2site.com/


✅ Getting started

1. Install the add-on
2. Open a Google Sheet
3. Add-ons -> Sheet2Site -> Choose a Template

More info: https://www.sheet2site.com/start


👇 Learn More:

❤️ Testimonials:

🎓 Docs:

👨‍💻 About


✨ Tips:

- How to Create an Employee Directory: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-create-employee-directory/
- Restaurant Menu Maker with Google Sheets: https://www.sheet2site.com/restaurant-menu-maker/
- How to Embed Google Sheets in WordPress: https://www.sheet2site.com/embed-google-sheet-wordpress/
- How to Add a Google Sheet to a Website: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-add-google-sheets-to-website/
- How to Embed Google Sheet to Wix Website: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-embed-google-sheet-to-wix/
- How to Create a Job Board: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-create-job-board/
- How to Launch on Product Hunt: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-launch-on-product-hunt/


🙏 Support: Have a question or a feedback?

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