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Turn your 📗 Google Sheets into 🎨 professional websites
Nhà phát triển:
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:11 tháng 9, 2024
Hoạt động với:
132 N+
Tổng quan
✨ Create your own website without writing code using only 📗 Google Sheets. Build a fully functional website with pictures, text, filters and links!
👇 How it works?

1. Add your data to the Google Sheet
2. Select a template of your website
3. Generate a website


👌 Synced
- Changes made in Google Sheet will be automatically publish to the website!


💼 Use Cases:

1. Create an entire website from scratch
2. Embed it to your existing website


🎬 Showcase. Examples of websites made by people with Sheet2Site:



🎁 Features:

- Connect custom domain
- Filters and Multi Filters with Dropdowns
- Search
- Collect emails with Mailchimp
- Receive data from Google Form / Typeform dirrectly to the sheet
- Stripe or PayPal to accept payments from your customers


🖼 Templates:

New Templates:
- Restaurant Menu: https://sheet2site.com/templates/restaurant-menu/
- Employees Team Directory: https://sheet2site.com/templates/employee-directory/ (Support Sharepoint)
- Search: http://sheet2site.com/templates/search/ (make yourn own Google live search website)

More Templates:
- Table view: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/table
- Job Board: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/jobboard
- Voting: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/vote
- E-commerce: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/business
- Amazon: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/business2
- Events: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/events
- Real estate with a map view: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/real-estate
- Blog: https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/blog
- People who need help (covid-19, coronavirus): https://www.sheet2site.com/templates/corona


📌 Embed:

- Embed Google Sheet into your existing site
- Already have a website and want to embed your spreadsheet data in a visual way? 
- Supported website builders: Squarespace, Wix, Joomla, Weebly, WordPress, Confluence, Shopify, SharePoint, Carrd or any other CMS custom site.
- To embed Sheet2Site website open Add-on menu and press Embed.


⭐️ More:

- Amazon Affiliate websites
- Call to actions
- Google Analytics
- Links tracking
- Chat
- Meta title and description
- Detailed pages (ex example.com/about)
- Custom CSS, HTML, Javascript
- Maps
- SEO Optimization: https://www.sheet2site.com/seo
- Lazy load
- Pagination
- User login and passwords
- Charts: https://chart2site.com/


✅ Getting started

1. Install the add-on
2. Open a Google Sheet
3. Add-ons -> Sheet2Site -> Choose a Template

More info: https://www.sheet2site.com/start


👇 Learn More:

❤️ Testimonials:

🎓 Docs:

👨‍💻 About


✨ Tips:

- How to Create an Employee Directory: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-create-employee-directory/
- Restaurant Menu Maker with Google Sheets: https://www.sheet2site.com/restaurant-menu-maker/
- How to Embed Google Sheets in WordPress: https://www.sheet2site.com/embed-google-sheet-wordpress/
- How to Add a Google Sheet to a Website: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-add-google-sheets-to-website/
- How to Embed Google Sheet to Wix Website: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-embed-google-sheet-to-wix/
- How to Create a Job Board: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-create-job-board/
- How to Launch on Product Hunt: https://www.sheet2site.com/how-to-launch-on-product-hunt/


🙏 Support: Have a question or a feedback?

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Xem, chỉnh sửa, tạo và xóa tất cả bảng tính của bạn trên Google Trang tính
Hiển thị và chạy nội dung web bên thứ ba trong lời nhắc và thanh bên ở trong các ứng dụng của Google
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Xem địa chỉ email chính cho Tài khoản Google của bạn
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