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Share individual sheet/tab easily. Support two-way editing and keep data synchronised.
Listing updated:March 14, 2025
Works with:
Google sheets only allows sharing the whole spreadsheet. If you want to share a single sheet, you either use publish to web or import range as workarounds.  However, these workarounds has significant limitations. For example,  Importrange will allow you to only specify rows (1:1000) or columns (A:Z) without a sheet, you can uncover the first tab of an imported workbook.

Sheet Share helps you share individual sheet/tab without exposing the whole spreadsheet. What's more, Sheet Share supports editing sheet content at either side and synchronise the editing instantly. 

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PricingFree of charge with paid features
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Sheet Automation Share will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Sheet Automation Share will need access to your Google account
This will allow Sheet Automation Share to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
Connect to an external service
Allow this application to run when you are not present
Send email as you
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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David Tahmazian
January 22, 2024
Whenever I add a user to a specific tab, it keeps rolling but it never saves and confirms that the use has been added to that tab. After few minutes, it shows no user was added. Any tips?
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Erick Boyd
May 17, 2023
Update: I reached out to support and they were very fast and responsive. They weren't able to solve the issue, but I wanted to give them one more star for the effort and sense of care I received. We ran into a strange issue where if we copied over an entire row by selecting the row number that it would appear to copy over in the "Master Copy" but in the shared sheet nothing ever showed up...We tried waiting and refreshing and nothing would ever pop up even days later. After I did some testing it seemed every time I copied something over using the row numbers it wouldn't show up in the shared sheet? Obviously, we could just copy over the cells with data, but we have around 17 columns of data and it gets pretty ridiculous to have to scroll over to copy each line, especially when we sometimes are out of the office and are trying to use the mobile app.
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Rowan Rose
March 15, 2024
Can you protect a range of cells so the shared sheet can not be edited?
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M. Gokhan Demir
March 16, 2024
I only signed in one account in one browser but not succesfull to use Sheet Share. Can you please help me. Thank you.
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Dimcha P
April 29, 2024
Information is not updated on the shared sheet after new data is entered into the main table
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Christopher MacKenn
January 12, 2023
Is there a way to have multiple sheets in one document and I only allow a single person to view a single sheet with read only permission? I want to make one document with tracking information for each individual person and then duplicate it but make it so the people only have access to view their information only. I would like to avoid having to make a new document for each person. I know I can just import range to the new document, but I dont want to be doing this for dozens of people vs just having the 2 one for back end and one for front end.
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Kornel Kimaszewski
September 27, 2022
Sharing a dedicated sheet work but when I set permissions in the original file they do not work in the sheet that was shared
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November 21, 2021
This is an awesome tool is there any way in making it so you can only share on sheet and post a link where everyone can view?
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Xpert Net
November 23, 2022
Not working. When clicking on open shared sheet, the link is not showing anything.
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Shawn Veillon
May 17, 2022
Honestly, I don't know what is the point. It's not easier to share using this app. As far as I can tell it doesn't add any functions. I thought it could replace IMPORTRANGE by sharing a single sheet - like import it somehow into someone else's sheet. But instead, it's just like sharing the normal way.
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