Send SMS from Google Sheets!
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Send SMS from Google Sheets

Sheet SMS is the solution if you want to send messages from Google Sheets.

Install the application and start to send SMS from Google Sheets.
You can also control when do you want to send the messages and custom completely the messages you send.

To send messages directly from your sheet use the formula:
=SENDSMS("message", "recipients phone")
The recipient phone number needs to be used with international prefix (+1 for instance in the US)

You can also decide when the message is sent by using
=SCHEDULESMS(message, phone, date, time)

To sync messages with the mobile application and send them from your mobile phone you need to use the formula
=SENDSMSWITHMOBILE("message", "recipients phone")
You can then retrieved the synced message on the mobile app and send them from your phone:

More information :
Contact me at if you have any question!

Try it now do not wait!

Leave a feedback if you enjoy using Sheet SMS :)
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