Copy selected range formatting to other sheets. Option to copy formatting and values to other sheets.
Tiedot päivitetty:16. maaliskuuta 2024
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
23 t.+
Have you ever needed to update multiple sheets within your spreadsheet at once? Sheet Streamer allows you to highight a range of cells on one sheet and copy the formatting to selected other sheets. You can also choose to copy the values along with the formatting. 

🆓 The free application of Sheet Streamer collects no user data. Highlight your data range and use the Extensions menu to select "Sheet Streamer." The formatting from your selected range will be applied to all of the sheets to the right of the selected sheet. 

💵 The paid version is NOT a subscription. You will NOT be automatically renewed. Support the app developement for only $2.50. This will allow you to select which sheets to copy the selected range formatting to. There is also an option to copy the VALUES along with the formatting. 

Created by Google Developer Expert and Google Certified Innovator Alice Keeler along with lead developer Jackson Keeler. Find more of my Add-ons at 
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