Create Meet links from a spreadsheet
Дата оновлення:1 листопада 2022 р.
54 тис.+
This simple addon was originally created to organise virtual parent-teacher meetings but it could also be useful any time you want to create multiple Meet links without having to create them one-by-one in Google Calendar.

First click the 'Create sheet' button to create the template. Then fill in the relevant information such as meeting title, optional invitee (only one), date, time and duration (in minutes). Then check the box and click the 'Create calendar event' button. Now check your calendar to see that it worked correctly.

If you want to create more complicated events with descriptions, notifications and attachments, then this addon might not be the best solution. If you want to create multiple events and Meet links really quickly, then this addon might save you a load of time!
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