Sheetgo connects, transfers, filters, splits, merges Google Sheets™, Excel, CSV files, and integrates them with Google Docs™ and Gmail™ for easy automated data movement - an Importrange alternative.
Ficha actualizada:17 de junio de 2024
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5 M+
Información general
Welcome to Sheetgo! The simple way to automate entire business processes directly within your spreadsheet.

Sheetgo is an all-in-one data management platform that allows you to build custom workflows to automate entire business processes. Connect, transfer, merge, split or filter your spreadsheet data and use intelligent integrations such as Google Sheets™, Google Docs™, Gmail™, Excel and CSV files to build powerful workflows that streamline your data management.

How to open Sheetgo

Google Sheets™:  open Google Sheets™ and click on Extensions. Select Sheetgo to open the add-on.
Google Docs™:  open Google Docs™ and click on Extensions. Select Sheetgo to open the add-on.
Gmail™:  open Gmail™ and click on Extensions. Select Sheetgo to open the add-on.

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With Sheetgo you can:


Connect Google Sheets™ to Google Sheets™
► Transfer data between different files automatically, consolidate spreadsheets by combining multiple sheets into one central file and build an automated workflow that moves and manages your data for you.
► Sync two Google Sheets™ files with automated connections between them.
► Connect Google Sheets™ tabs automatically,  importing and exporting data from one spreadsheet to another.

Connect Excel to Google Sheets™ or CSV
► Set up an automated system to transfer data between Excel, Google Sheets™ and CSV automatically.
► Create a workflow to upload Excel to Google Drive™ without any manual work.
► Schedule automatic updates to transfer data between Excel, Google Sheets™ and CSV at regular intervals.
► Sheetgo is compatible with XLS, XLSX, XLSM files.

ImportRange alternative
► Boost productivity by connecting your team’s files and save time — no more copy-pasting or manual data collection.
► Easier to use because it doesn't require complex formulas or any advanced knowledge of spreadsheets.

Transfer formatting in Google Sheets™
► Unlike ImportRange, when you link Google Sheets™ with Sheetgo, you can copy the formatting from your source sheet (including font, colors, text and number styles) to the destination sheet. 
► Transfer number formatting in Excel. This includes number, date and time formatting, merged cells, column dimensions and more.


Merge data from multiple Google Sheets™ into one 
► Merge data from multiple spreadsheets into a master sheet automatically for analysis, reporting and dashboards. 

Merge data from multiple tabs into one 
► Merge Google Sheets™, Excel and CSV tabs into one single tab.


Split data to multiple spreadsheets
► Send filtered data from a master sheet to up to 100 other Google Sheets™ files automatically.
► Split Google Sheets™ into multiple sheets to share only selected data with colleagues or clients.


► Transfer only selected data from Google Sheets™ to Google Sheets™ automatically.
► Transfer filtered data by query, condition or by cell color.
► Query multiple Google Sheets™.


► Use Sheetgo Forms to collect data and transfer responses to Google Sheets™ and other spreadsheets.
► Build forms from your spreadsheet data automatically.
► Apply data validation to ensure users enter only valid data.
► Keep your data secure by sharing only Sheetgo Forms, but not your spreadsheets.
► Trigger automated workflows based on form responses.

Google Docs™

Generate documents from Google Sheets™
► Export data from your Google Sheets™ file to a custom Google Docs™ template to automatically generate personalized documents for each row of data within your spreadsheet.
► Use Sheetgo Tags in your Google Docs™ template to add dynamic data from your spreadsheet into your document and create personalized documents.


Generate PDFs from spreadsheets
► Convert Google Sheets™, Excel or CSV to PDF automatically.
► Create workflows to generate PDFs from a spreadsheet and send them automatically via email.


Share data via Gmail™ from Google Sheets™ 
► Add your Google Sheets™ files or your generated documents and PDF as attachments and send them with others via Gmail™. 
► Automatically send personalized emails to email addresses recognized in your spreadsheets and use the smart tags to transfer dynamic data directly into your message for unique communication.


Automate Google Sheets™ and save time on your spreadsheet work
► Schedule automatic updates (hourly, daily, weekly or monthly) to move data between spreadsheets without any manual work.
► Smart delay: Your source data is only transferred when it’s ready. Sheetgo waits for formulas to be executed before consolidating the data.


► Finance: Keep track of your business expenses, manage your cash flow and generate financial reports automatically. 
► Inventory and supply chain: Track your inventory and automate your supply chain management by connecting multiple files to a centralized spreadsheet.
► Project management: Create an automated project tracking system based on spreadsheets and manage your projects effortlessly.
► Marketing: Collect marketing data, create sales campaigns, send promotional emails and generate reports automatically.
► Education: Build your own education management system to track student grades and attendance with spreadsheet-based workflows.
► Human resources: Create workflows to automate PTO requests and track KPIs.
► Sales: Create a spreadsheet-based sales management solution to track your leads and your sales funnel metrics.
► Data management: Build your own data management system with automated workflows to connect spreadsheets and store your data securely.

And much more!


► Save time and money: Streamline your business processes and boost your productivity.
► Increase efficiency: Eliminate manual tasks and reduce the risk of human error.
► Keep your data safe and secure: Sheetgo doesn't copy or store your data.
► Scale your business: Harness the power of automation to streamline your processes and level up your business.
► Take advantage of the benefits and features of SaaS solutions at a fraction of the price. 
► With Sheetgo, you can build powerful workflows with the apps you already know and use.
► Create custom solutions tailored to your business needs without coding skills or knowledge of advanced formulas, all at an affordable price.


► Free plan: 99 smart transfers per month and 20+ pre-built solutions.
► Professional plan (starting from $22/month): recommended for self-employed professionals.
► Business plan (starting from $77/month): recommended for small and mid-sized teams.
► Enterprise plan: recommended for large teams and organizations.

For more information on Sheetgo plans, head to

► Sheetgo holds the Recommended for Google Workspace™ security label: Sheetgo has been selected for the second consecutive year as a “Recommended for Workspace” app.
► Keep your data safe and secure with Sheetgo. Sheetgo doesn't copy or store your data. All your data is stored securely in Google Drive™.
► Sheetgo is GDPR compliant.


Expert automation support
► Access tutorials.
► 1-1 video support.
► Custom workflow design.

Visit our support center here:

Google Sheets™, Google Drive™, Google Docs™, Google Calendar™, Google Workspace™, Gmail™, BigQuery™ are trademarks of Google LLC.
Información adicional
PrecioPrueba sin coste adicional con funciones de pago
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Términos del Servicio
Sheetgo solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Sheetgo necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Sheetgo podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todos tus documentos de Documentos de Google
Ver, modificar, crear y eliminar archivos de Google Drive
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todas tus hojas de cálculo de Hojas de cálculo de Google
Enviar correo electrónico en tu nombre
Consultar tus datos en Google BigQuery.
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
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Stephanie Cameron
6 de diciembre de 2023
Its a great tool! Easy to use and great to collaborate with my team on spreadsheets
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5Ritmos Argentina
29 de marzo de 2023
Great app! Very useful
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MariaElisa Castillo
29 de agosto de 2020
Muy buena herramienta. La utilizo para enlazar archivos Excel - Google Sheet. Veremos que más puede hacer. No logré enlazar un excel con macros a google sheet, ¿será por las macros? No me interesa que la macro sea funcional en google sheet, solo necesito obtener la información de una base de dato Gracias!!
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Gonzalo Quezada
13 de noviembre de 2020
El único gran inconveniente que le encuentro por el momento es la lentitud que tiene para actualizar los datos. Una tabla de 5000 registros, con 20 columnas, me está tardando a veces 5 minutos en actualizar y me resulta pesado. Pero fuera de eso me sirvió perfecto para conectar con DataStudio
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Un usuario de Sheetgo
19 de abril de 2020
Muy buena herramienta para automatizar labores que consumen harto tiempo
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Un usuario de Sheetgo
9 de abril de 2019
Es una gran herramiento para la consolidacion y disenyo de Informes.La recomiendo al 100%, complementa y refuerza las bondades de Google Sheets. It is a great tool for the consolidation and design of reports.I recommend it 100%, it is the needed complement and enhances a lot the beauties of Googles Sheets.
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Un usuario de Sheetgo
4 de junio de 2020
Una buena idea. Voy a explorarla en mayor profundidad. Es interesante usarla de forma colaborativa.
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Un usuario de Sheetgo
24 de octubre de 2018
Esta aplicación genial! Funciona al 100% y la atención al cliente es Personalizada. No tengo queja alguna hasta el momento se las recomiendo.
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Un usuario de Sheetgo
4 de julio de 2018
Excelente, pasé una tarde entera creando varias tablas dinámicas para mis análisis, y en el otro día que pude hallar el sheetgo, solucionando mucho, ojalá que sea estable para continuar los trabajos, a ver! Solo puse 4 estrellas porque no he visto ninguna información de actualizaciones limites para la versión free hasta que me apareció la notificación, pero nomás es una muy buena solución.
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Un usuario de Sheetgo
3 de mayo de 2017
Buena pero puede mejorar, también deberían tener la opción de idiomas. Es Muy estable, aunque pienso que necesito algo mas dinámico que pueda seleccionar múltiples hojas (en realidad miles) con la misma configuración, sin tener que seleccionar una a una, ademas es muy pequeño el numero de usos, y se que ni los 3000 me alcanzan, lo que la convertiría en un alto costo para mi. La recomiendo, la dejare en mi lista de chequeos a futuro a ver que cambios tiene. Gracias por la prueba gratuita.
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