Use AI and ChatGPT in Google Sheets™. Unlock the full power of AI to create content, lists, images, translations, summaries, and more. All directly in your spreadsheets.
Дата оновлення:27 травня 2024 р.
417 тис.+
Bring the power of AI and ChatGPT to Google Sheets™. SheetGPT™ is an add-on that revolutionizes the way you work with spreadsheets. With SheetGPT™, you can unlock the full power of AI to create content, generate lists, translate text, summarize information, and much more, all directly within your spreadsheets.

✅ No sign-up required ✅ Free with premium features ✅ No API key required ✅ Support included

Imagine effortlessly measuring the sentiment of your organization's mentioned tweets, generating engaging social media content, writing impactful blogs, or extracting valuable data with just a few simple commands.

Getting started with SheetGPT™ is easy. No OpenAI account is required. Simply install the add-on, enable SheetGPT™ from the extension menu, and start using the GPT function just like any other spreadsheet function.


1️⃣ Click on the “Install” button.
2️⃣ Open Google Sheets™.
3️⃣ Click on *"Extensions > SheetGPT > Enable SheetGPT".*


=GPT ➡️ to get an single AI result in a single cell.
=GPTLIST ➡️ to generate multiple outputs at once like lists.
=CHATGPT ➡️ to create conversations with ChatGPT.
=GPTIMAGE ➡️ to generate AI images.

To get started just start typing in any cell. Example:

=GPT("Write a one-line tagline for a boutique web design agency")


Website ➡️
Tutorials ➡️
Documentation ➡️


Enjoy the first ~100,000 words of inputs and outputs for free, allowing you to explore the endless possibilities of AI-assisted spreadsheet work. If you need to go beyond the initial quota, sign up for a plan at to continue harnessing the full potential of SheetGPT.

Paid plans not only provide increased usage but also offer the remarkable capability of image generation, priority support, and organization-wide licenses, ensuring that SheetGPT™ becomes an indispensable tool for critical business functions.


If you have any questions or issues, please don't hesitate to submit a support ticket at


Rest assured that SheetGPT™ is committed to your privacy and data protection. As a US-based business, we adhere to a robust privacy policy and terms of service, prioritizing the security and confidentiality of your information.

You can find more details on our policies at

No longer will you need to rely on complex formulas or spend hours performing tedious tasks. SheetGPT™ brings the world's most advanced AI models, including ChatGPT3, ChatGPT4, and the incredible DALL-E 2 image generation model, right to your fingertips.

Experience the future of spreadsheet work with SheetGPT™ and unleash the limitless potential of AI in Google Sheets™.

Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC. SheetGPT™ is not affiliated with OpenAI™.
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ЦіниБезкоштовна версія з платними функціями
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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